Lido Financial Daily Snapshots
Lido Financial Daily Snapshots built by Messari including data for revenue, supply, TVL, cumulative revenue and more
Tags: lido,ldo,staking,eth,messari,subgraph,graphql,the graph,lido subgraph,defi,rewards,revenue,tvl
Try the click + copy + paste spreadsheet formulas below:
=CS.QUERY("Playgrounds","Lido Network",{"Content-Type","application/json";"Playgrounds-Api-Key","YOUR_API_KEY";"query","{ financialsDailySnapshots(first: 10) { blockNumber cumulativeProtocolSideRevenueUSD cumulativeTotalRevenueUSD dailyProtocolSideRevenueUSD cumulativeSupplySideRevenueUSD dailySupplySideRevenueUSD dailyTotalRevenueUSD id protocolControlledValueUSD timestamp totalValueLockedUSD } }"})
Google Sheets:
=CSQUERY("Playgrounds","Lido Network",{"Content-Type","application/json";"Playgrounds-Api-Key","YOUR_API_KEY";"query","{ financialsDailySnapshots(first: 10) { blockNumber cumulativeProtocolSideRevenueUSD cumulativeTotalRevenueUSD dailyProtocolSideRevenueUSD cumulativeSupplySideRevenueUSD dailySupplySideRevenueUSD dailyTotalRevenueUSD id protocolControlledValueUSD timestamp totalValueLockedUSD } }"})
Scenario information
Provider: Playgrounds Endpoint: Lido Network
Category: historical
Type: metrics
Last Updated: 2023-05-03 21:21:11.1090000 | ScenarioId: 682 | Parameters: 3
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