Horizons Inverse Bitcoin ETF

Get key statistics including volume, beta, marketcap and more for the Horizons BetaPRO Inverse Bitcoin ETF (BITI) benchmarked to the Bitcoin front month rolling futures index


Tags: etf,etp,canadian,exchange traded fund,bitcoin etf,biti,futures contract,cad



Try the click + copy + paste spreadsheet formulas below:


=CS.QUERY("IEX","Key Stats",{"token","Your token";"symbol","BITI-CT"})

Google Sheets:

=CSQUERY("IEX","Key Stats",{"token","Your token";"symbol","BITI-CT"})

Scenario information

Provider: IEX Endpoint: Key Stats

Category: current Type: metrics

Last Updated: 2021-04-28 19:38:25.9790000 | ScenarioId: 520 | Parameters: 2


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