Worker Activity

This is a detailed documentation on how you can check various historical activity data for your worker.

How to use Minerstat data in Excel & Googlesheets with Cryptosheets

This article demonstrates three examples of how to pull Minerstat data into your spreadsheet using the side panel console, custom functions and templates.

Explore more Minerstat endpoints here

Example Parameters:

  • worker_name: ``
  • timezone: ``


=CS.QUERY("Minerstat","Worker Activity",{"ACCESSY_KEY","YOUR_ACCESSY_KEY";"worker_name","";"timezone",""})


=CSQUERY("Minerstat","Worker Activity",{"ACCESSY_KEY","YOUR_ACCESSY_KEY";"worker_name","";"timezone",""})


Cryptosheets data can be pulled through multiple surfaces:



  1. Install the Cryptosheets add-in from the Microsoft AppSource Store or the Google GSuite Marketplace

  2. After it is installed, make sure you are logged into your Cryptosheets account through the Cryptosheets side panel

Using the console

Using the console

  1. From the Cryptosheets ribbon click data
  2. Type in Minerstat... then click on Worker Activity
  3. Scroll through the console parameters and input your values
  4. Select the cell you want to place the data into
  5. Click make request


Using custom functions

Using custom functions

  1. In any cell type the following: =CS.QUERY("Minerstat","Worker Activity",{"ACCESSY_KEY","YOUR_ACCESSY_KEY";"worker_name","";"timezone",""})
  2. In any console, after selecting the parameters to configure the query string as desired, simply click the radio button to toggle the the function/formula builder, then click the clipboard icon to copy the full formula string and paste it into any cell see detailed examples and tutorial

Hint: If you need help remembering the exact parameters for any function, you can always just type in any cell: =CS.PARAMETERS("Minerstat","Worker Activity")

Using templates

Using templates

  1. From the Cryptosheets ribbon click templates OR click on the templates tab in the browse section
  2. Load the template called Query Builder and type Minerstat and Worker Activity
  3. You can also try searching "Minerstat..." for other templates specific or related to Get Gains

Signing up for Cryptosheets is free get crypto data in 30 seconds or less

Note: you must have one of the supported versions of Microsoft Office or Excel for custom functions to work. Learn more here

Helpful Resources:

Visit the API documentation for Minerstat here

Troubleshooting: please reference the following troubleshooting code: QUE-1775-3630. Learn more here

Tags: Worker Activity Minerstat endpoint