Order Book
Get the full order book for the specified market.
How to use itBit data in Excel & Googlesheets with Cryptosheets
This article demonstrates three examples of how to pull itBit data into your spreadsheet using the side panel console
, custom functions
and templates

Explore more itBit endpoints here
Example Parameters:
- tickerSymbol:
Cryptosheets data can be pulled through multiple surfaces:
Install the Cryptosheets add-in from Microsoft AppSource Store
Make sure you are logged into your Cryptosheets account
Using the console
Using the console
- From the Cryptosheets ribbon click
- Type in type in "itBit..." then click on
Order Book
- Scroll through the console parameters and input your values
- Select the cell you want to place the data into
- Click
make request

Using custom functions
Using custom functions
- In any cell type the following:
=CS.QUERY("itBit","Order Book",{"tickerSymbol","XBTUSD"})
- In any console, after selecting the parameters to configure the query string as desired, simply click the radio button to toggle the the
function/formula builder
, then click theclipboard icon
to copy the full formula string and paste it into any cell see detailed examples and tutorial

Hint: If you need help remembering the exact parameters for any function, you can always just type in any cell:
=CS.PARAMETERS("itBit","Order Book")

Using templates
Using templates
- From the Cryptosheets ribbon click
OR click on thetemplates tab
in the browse section - Load the template called
Query Builder
and type itBit and Order Book - You can also try searching "itBit..." for other templates specific or related to
Get Gains

Signing up for Cryptosheets is free get crypto data in 30 seconds or less
Note: you must have one of the supported versions of Microsoft Office or Excel for custom functions to work. Learn more here
Helpful Resources:
Visit the API documentation for itBit here
Troubleshooting: please reference the following troubleshooting code: QUE-1725-2194. Learn more here
Tags: exchange