Top Mktcapfull

Get a number of top coins by their market cap. Default value is first page (0) and the top 10 coins.

How to use CryptoCompare data in Excel & Googlesheets with Cryptosheets

This article demonstrates three examples of how to pull CryptoCompare API data into your spreadsheet using the side panel console, custom functions and templates.

Explore more CryptoCompare endpoints here

Example Parameters:

  • ascending: true
  • limit: 10
  • page: 0
  • sign: false
  • tsym: USD

Example Fields:

highhour volumehourto market usd totalvolume24hto highday lasttradeid median low24hour message open24hour totalvolume24h openhour volume24hour toptiervolume24hour coin_info type totaltoptiervolume24hto price volume24hourto highday toptiervolume24hourto conversionsymbol open24hour changehour lowhour lastvolume mktcap mktcap proof_type toptiervolume24hour low24hour document_type change24hour display rate_limit volumehourto totaltoptiervolume24h block_time toptiervolume24hourto totalvolume24hto rating market_performance_rating image_url changepctday lowhour changepct24hour openhour totaltoptiervolume24h lastvolume conversiontype lastvolumeto name fromsymbol lowday changepcthour volume24hourto high24hour has_warning price volumeday sponsored_data imageurl volumedayto changehour totaltoptiervolume24hto changeday tosymbol changepcthour id raw supply internal technology_adoption_rating supply volumedayto flags usd changeday totalvolume24h changepctday conversionsymbol tosymbol lowday block_reward block_number high24hour full_name openday net_hashes_per_second change24hour rating lastmarket volumeday data type algorithm volumehour volumehour imageurl market highhour lastvolumeto url openday lastupdate conversiontype weiss type fromsymbol lasttradeid lastupdate changepct24hour lastmarket volume24hour


=CS.QUERY("CryptoCompare","Top Mktcapfull",{"ascending","true";"limit","10";"page","0";"sign","false";"tsym","USD"})


=CSQUERY("CryptoCompare","Top Mktcapfull",{"ascending","true";"limit","10";"page","0";"sign","false";"tsym","USD"})

NOTE: Some international users may need to substitute commas "," in custom functions with semicolons ";" so for something like =CS.TA("BTC","USD") try =CS.TA("BTC";"USD") instead


Cryptosheets data can be pulled through multiple interfaces:



  1. Install the Cryptosheets add-in from the Microsoft AppSource Store

  2. Install the Cryptosheets add-in from the Google GSuite Marketplace

  3. After it is installed, make sure you are logged into your Cryptosheets account through the Cryptosheets side panel

Using the console

Using the console

  1. From the Cryptosheets Excel ribbon click data
  2. From the Googlesheets Add-ons menu click Cryptosheets then select Launch side-bar
  3. Type in CryptoCompare... then click on Top Mktcapfull
  4. Scroll through the console parameters and input your values
  5. Select the cell you want to place the data into
  6. Click make request



Using custom functions

Using custom functions

Tip: For both Excel and Googlesheeets you can use either the QUERY or QUERYA custom function

  1. Excel In any cell type the following:

=CS.QUERY("CryptoCompare","Top Mktcapfull",{"ascending","true";"limit","10";"page","0";"sign","false";"tsym","USD"})

  1. Googlesheets In any cell type the following:

=CSQUERY("CryptoCompare","Top Mktcapfull",{"ascending","true";"limit","10";"page","0";"sign","false";"tsym","USD"})

  1. In any console, after selecting the parameters to configure the query string as desired, simply click the radio button to toggle the the function/formula builder, then click the clipboard icon to copy the full formula string and paste it into any cell see detailed examples and tutorial

Hint: If you need help remembering the exact parameters for any function, you can always just type in any cell: =CS.PARAMETERS("CryptoCompare","Top Mktcapfull") for Excel or =CSPARAMETERS("CryptoCompare","Top Mktcapfull") for Googlesheets

Using templates

Using templates

  1. From the Cryptosheets Excel ribbon click templates OR click on the templates tab in the browse section
  2. From the Googlesheets Add-ons menu click Cryptosheets then select Templates
  3. Load the template called Query Builder and type CryptoCompare and Top Mktcapfull
  4. You can also try searching "CryptoCompare..." for other templates

Signing up for Cryptosheets is free get crypto data in 30 seconds or less

Note: you must have one of the supported versions of Microsoft Office or Excel for custom functions to work. Learn more here

Helpful Resources:

  • Visit the API documentation for CryptoCompare here
  • See tutorials and examples for CryptoCompare on the Cryptosheets YouTube channel
  • Troubleshooting: please reference the following troubleshooting code: QUE-1203-424. Learn more here

Tags: Top Mktcapfull CryptoCompare endpoint