Core Functions
Get started with Cryptosheets core custom functions to pull dynamic, customized data into your worksheet with highly flexible formulas.
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Unified Functions
The parameters and query functions allow users universal access to all data providers available in Cryptosheets
Query function to pull any endpoint from any available provider
[string] Data provider, ex. Cryptunit.endpoint
[string] Data endpoint of provider, ex. 'earnings-auto'.parameters
Function to pull all possible parameters by provider and endpoint
[string] Data provider, ex. Cryptunit.endpoint
[string] Data endpoint of provider, ex. 'earnings-auto'.args
Core Functions
The core functions are designed to pull in specific, large data sets including market and on chain data
Get (streaming) exchange rate between pair of requested assets at specific or current time.
[string] Requested exchange rate base asset identifier. Ex. "BTC"quote
[string] Requested exchange rate quote asset identifier. Ex. "USD"refresh
[number] Update frequency in seconds. Ex. 5 = 5 seconds. Default refresh rate is 15 minutes.
Get the current price of any cryptocurrency in any other currency that you need.
[string] The cryptocurrency symbol of interest.quote
[string] Cryptocurrency symbol to convert into
Get two sided bid and ask order book data, also known as books or passive level 2 data.
[string][41] The cryptocurrency symbol of interestquote
[string][41] Symbol of asset or currency to convert intoexchange
[string][41] Name of exchangetype
[string][41] Type of price ie spot or futurestimeStart
[string][41]? Timeseries starting time in ISO 8601timeEnd
[string][41]? Timeseries ending time in ISO 8601limitLevels
[string][41]? Maximum amount of levels from each side of the book to include in response (optional)args
Get the historical open, high, low, close and volume of any cryptocurrency in any other currency that you need over a wide range of resolutions (intervals).
[string] The cryptocurrency symbol of interestquote
[string] Symbol of asset or currency to convert intoexchange
[string] Name of exchangetype
[string] Type of price ie spot or futuresperiod
[string] The time period for each candle aka the resolutiontimeStart
[string] Timeseries starting time in ISO 8601timeEnd
[string] Timeseries ending time in ISO 8601args
Get historical transactions from specific symbol, returned in time ascending order.
[string] The cryptocurrency symbol of interestquote
[string] Symbol of asset or currency to convert intoexchange
[string] Name of exchangetype
[string] Type of price ie spot or futurestimeStart
[string] Timeseries starting time in ISO 8601timeEnd
[string] Timeseries ending time in ISO 8601args
Calculating ROI using CS.TA
You can easily calculate multi period returns for any supported pair and exchange by using the =CS.TA function
Return over Specific Period Available periods are: 1, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 180, 200, 365
Multi-Period Returns
Exchange Specific Multi-Period Returns
Exchange Comparison Multi-Period Returns You can specify multiple exchanges as comma seperated names to return a comparison table.
TIP: use
to quickly retrieve a list of over 280+ supported exchanges as of February 2020)
This example uses TRANSPOSE() to wrap the Cryptosheets function and return a pivoted version of the dataset for display purposes only, the CS.TA function along with any other functions can be used with or without TRANSPOSE
Supported Exchanges
- Use
to quickly retrieve a list of over 280+ supported exchanges as of February 2020
Click on each custom function above to visit its dedicated support and resources page.
- The goal is to keep our custom functions as easy and natural for users to remember and use. That means they are designed to be broadly useable with hundreds of different provider/endpoint combinations.
- Future releases will include additional custom functions for more advanced use cases as well as additional tools and universal parameters. Stay up to date with our latest by visiting our roadmap and joining our mailing list.
- Check your syntax for =CS.PARAMETERS() carefully, different functions for the same data may have slightly different required syntax
- Check the required arguments for =CS.PARAMETERS() vs the optional arguments
- Check your data & API quotas and limits
- Check your formulas carefully
- Check your relative references (=CS.PARAMETERS("CryptUnit", "earnings-auto") vs. =CS.PARAMETERS("A1", "B1"))
- Use Excel's error checking tools
- Check Excel's help sections:
- Find additional troubleshooting resources and tips here
- Error Response Codes Reference
See more troubleshooting tips & tricks here
Formula Syntax Error:
Login error:
Tips & Tricks
Pull up the full Excel function argument dialog box
- Begin typing the function into any cell (for example =CS.QUERY) then press cntrl + A and it will open the popup dialog window
- Use the formatDates argument in custom functions to save significant time and effort reformatting and converting datetime data and columns read the article here
Additional Resources
For Microsoft Excel
- Web browsers used by add-ins:
- Office versions and requirement sets:
- How to check your Office version:
- Install the latest version of Office:
- Custom Function Requirements:
For Googlesheets
- Throughput Quotas & Limits:
Find Fields
(Coming soon, please check back)